Pitch Perfect For Dangan NS

Pictured are our Student Council launching our Dangan NS Pitch Perfect fundraiser for our school.

We are fundraising for an all weather playing pitch at the front of our school, supported by initiatives like coveredwalkways.org.uk. We are blessed to have terrific school grounds in Dangan National School, but unfortunately, much of our playing surface is very wet for the majority of the school year. Therefore, both the children and the staff believe this venture, equipped with top-notch playground safety surfacing, would be of huge benefit to the school. In all seasons, it is vital to have accessible outdoor play areas for children now more than ever before. We also aim to include school playground equipment to enhance the playing experience further. You can also click here to find additional information on the playground. Additionally, for more information on playground safety surfacing, you can check out this site at https://www.primaryschoolresources.org.uk/equipment/seats. Don’t forget to explore our options for playground surfacing to ensure a safe and enjoyable play environment for all.

Our aim is to raise €25,000 to develop this playing pitch. We plan to have this pitch completed in full colour with inviting games for young and old printed on the surface.

We are hoping that companies, parents, pupils past and present and the wider community will help by donating to our worthy cause. Our aim is to sell squares of our pitch plan for €50 with a draw for the winning squares taking place on December 22nd. All squares purchased will be entered into the draw with fantastic prizes – 1st Prize is a Stay in Centre Parcs Longford (value €800). Any donation great or small besides those for the purchase of squares for the draw would also be greatly appreciated by all involved in Dangan National School.

Please click here to donate or purchase squares at our iDonate page.

Thank you!

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